Which House Plant Purifies the Air the Most?

Discover which house plant purifies the air best! Learn about 20 best indoor plants for cleaning toxins from your home's air.

Which House Plant Purifies the Air the Most?

Florist chrysanthemums, or “moms”, are renowned for their air purifying capabilities. Recent research conducted by Money, Co, UK found that searches for air purifying plants increased 37% according to Google Trends. With the winter months fast approaching, it's important that our air quality at home is as good as possible. Barberton's daisy is an effective cleaner of formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene toxins, found in a variety of household materials, from paints to synthetic fibers.

Decorate your kitchen or living room with a chrysanthemum and enjoy its cheerful burst of red, yellow, orange or pink. These pretty flowers help filter out a large amount of toxins, such as ammonia and benzene, which are often found in plastics, detergents and glue. Chrysanthemums are the most effective plant for cleaning the air. In addition to eliminating common VOCs, such as formaldehyde, xylene and benzene, chrysanthemums can also absorb ammonia, which is present in many household cleaners and floor sealants.

It's flowers that draw chemicals out of the air, so you may need to regularly replace or rotate some plants while old flowers fade and new buds emerge. Raab notes that “most indoor plants are sold as air purifiers, which is true to a certain extent”. The spider plant, snake plant and aloe vera plant are three of the best air purifying plants. We all know that plants beautify our homes and can even lift our mood. But did you know that many have all-natural air filtration systems integrated? The 1989 NASA Clean Air Study found that plants are also incredible agents for cleaning the air of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are harmful gases emitted into the air by products in our homes.

How does that work? In simpler terms, plants can't help but absorb chemicals as they absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Quite clean, isn't it? For your information, the NASA study was ultimately experimental and more recent studies show that it would actually take about 10 plants per square foot to significantly impact air quality. It's basically a covered rainforest. Here are the 20 best air purifying indoor plants to give indoor air a little love:

  • Bamboo Palm Trees: This subtropical tree is a popular indoor plant thanks to its easy care. NASA found that it can also filter benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.

    Trees can grow up to 15 feet tall, making them ideal for large spaces.

  • Spider Plants: Spider plants are the perfect choice for novices and those with a bad track record when it comes to plants. They develop under indirect sunlight and survive in almost any condition (known to survive temperatures as low as 2 degrees). Spider plants also send shoots of baby spider plants called “spiderettes”.
  • Boston Ferns: This easy-to-grow fern is known for its sword-shaped fronds, making it perfect for a hanging basket or pedestal. Boston Fern thrives in humid environments and requires constant humidity.

    Keep them happy with regular spraying, moist soil and place them in indirect sunlight near windows, balconies and patios.

  • Areca Palm Trees: Areca palm trees are ideal for larger spaces. They are a powerhouse when it comes to eliminating toxins and are even non-toxic to both dogs and cats. Take care of them with plenty of water (a couple of times a week) during the summer but not so much in winter.
  • Snake Plants: Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law's tongue, are a succulent plant that can grow up to two meters in height. It is a low-maintenance plant that is resilient and thrives on neglect.

    Place them somewhere that tolerates bright, even direct light for a couple of hours a day. Be careful not to overwater as they thrive in dry conditions.

  • Peace Lilies: Its elegant arched blades make excellent versatile air purifiers, especially famous for removing formaldehyde from the air. The beautiful bright pink flowers are a sight for sore eyes and their ability to remove traces of formaldehyde from the air also makes them a healthy choice.
  • Calathea Plants: It is a popular indoor plant that purifies the surrounding air by filtering out a multitude of compounds that are poisonous due to its beautiful leaves and air filtering capabilities.
It's a common misconception that having plants in the bedroom is bad for you because of the release of carbon monoxide but you would have to have at least more than 500 plants in your bedroom for this to make any kind of difference. Combining air purifying plants with an air purifier can increase oxygen content and eliminate harmful contaminants such as pollen and pet dander.

Some scientists have suggested that choosing the right air purifying plants for your home can help detoxify the air in your living spaces - meaning your indoor plants not only look beautiful but they work hard to clean the air you inhale. Common Indoor Contaminants: While your home is your safe haven, indoor air can be more toxic than outdoor air.

Penelope Ruelle
Penelope Ruelle

Passionate zombie lover. Proud bacon ninja. Tea ninja. Avid social media junkie. Extreme internet evangelist. General travelaholic.